Document Type : Research Article


Department of Translation Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran.


The initiation of translation from European languages in Iran during the Qajar era was driven by the need to acquire new sciences. This motive remains as one of the primary drivers for translation, particularly from European languages, to this day. Therefore, examining the agency of translation in introducing various sciences to Iran seems essential. This study investigates the agency of translation in facilitating the academic introduction of psychology to Iran during the 1960s. It focuses on the institutions, such as the Safialishah Publication and the Kaviyan journal, and individuals, including the Moshfegh Hamedani brothers and Ali-Akbar Kasmaei, who had agency in this process from 1920-1960. A detailed examination of the translated works along with the activities of these key figures, as well as a study of their introductions, reveals the significant role that translation and translators played in laying the groundwork for the academic establishment of psychology in Iran.




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