1- Initial Assessment of Submissions by the Executive Editor

Submitted manuscripts undergo initial assessment by the executive editor to ensure that they meet essential criteria for peer-review. The manuscripts which do not fall within the aims and scope of the journal are desk-rejected. This also includes those manuscripts which did not meet essential criteria for peer-review in journal of Language and Translation Studies (LTS). The authors are requested to adhere to the following policies and criteria and if their manuscript found suitable for further consideration, it will be sent out to independent, anonymous expert referees:

  • The manuscript should be within the scope of the journal.
  • The manuscript should be of excellent scientific quality.
  • The manuscript should follow the essential minimal formatting and editorial policies.
  • The manuscript has addressed a novel and an original issue, and has incorporated a comprehensive and updated review of the literature.

2- Peer-review Process

All manuscripts are subject to a double-blind peer review and are expected to meet standards of academic excellence. All manuscripts will be considered by the editor and, and if not desk-rejected and found suitable for consideration, they are sent to three independent, anonymous expert referees, whose identities will remain anonymous to the authors. Author’s identities will also remain anonymous to the journal of LTS reviewers.

Based on these reviews, the editor and editorial board make a final decision on the submitted manuscript.

3- Final Decision

  • Accept without any changes: The journal publishes the manuscript in its original form without any changes.
  • Accept with minor revisions: The manuscript is acceptable for publication if some minor revisions and small corrections can be made to improve it.
  • Accept after major revisions: The manuscript needs considerable reworking prior to reconsideration. The manuscript is conditionally acceptable for publication if the author addresses the reviewers’ suggestions and concerns. The author should resubmit the paper for a second round of assessment.
  • Rejection: The journal will not publish the manuscript as it contains numerous critical flaws.

This should be noted that resubmitting the revised manuscript does not guarantee final acceptance as the manuscript is assessed again by referees and the editorial board, and also in case of initial (scientific) acceptance, it is mandatory to send an extended English abstract, and the respected authors should pay attention to this important fact that at any stage of publication of the article, if the responsible author has not edited his article according to the schedule of the publication and If they do not deliver, it will be rejected in case of initial acceptance.

Article Publishing Charge

There is no pre-publication or submission charge. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors are required to pay 4,000,000 Rials for the costs arising from editing and publishing processes.