Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of English, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


The Academy of Persian Language and Literature is the regulatory body for preserving the Persian language and its orthography, trying to protect the Persian language from fragmentation and possible related dangers. As the name implies, the Academy of Persian Language and Literature is expected to focus on culture and identity as well. Notwithstanding this expectation, the goals, duties and performance of the academy suggest that its main focus is on its lexical and linguistic functions. It goes without saying that culture and language are inextricably linked; therefore, when you speak of language, you cannot overlook the role of culture. The present paper introduces the new concept of cultulinguia, meaning an arena for displaying cultulings (the culture within the language). Along with the academy, cultulinguia can play an effective role. The academy appears to have a top-down, power-oriented, prescriptive, monophonic, and word-centered approach, with a strong focus on the form of the word than meaning. Consequently, people may not be interested in using these words as they become exvolved in such words. Cultulinguia, in contrast, follows a bottom-up approach, which is people-oriented, descriptive, polyphonic and culture-oriented, meaning that all people within the society can constructively contribute to it. Additionally, cultulinguia tries to achieve the culture hidden in the language by focusing on cultulings and paves the way for cultural excellence by replacing defective cultural memes. Through this, people become more involved in cultulings and the views of the majority of people are taken into account when it comes to make a decision. This should be noted that the academy and the cultulinguia act like two wings for the linguistic and cultural excellence of the given society and they can complement each other and meaningfully contribute to linguistic and cultural planning.


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