Document Type : Research Article


Department of French Language Education, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Interdisciplinary research is becoming increasingly important in academia. Language teaching has also an interdisciplinary nature, and modern theories can be applied for better development of language teaching. The present descriptive study has been conducted on the application of chaos theory to French language teaching in Iran. Two research questions motived this study, namely, how teaching French language can be defined in light of chaos/complexity theory and how chaos/complexity theory can constructively contribute to the development of French language teaching in Iran. First, the principles of chaos/complexity theory were nailed down and their application in language teaching was examined. To investigate to what extent the theory can be applied to foreign language teaching in Iran, fifteen French language classes in language institutes located in Tehran were observed. The results showed that recent approaches of language teaching cover some principles of the chaos/complexity theory, including complexity, dynamics and nonlinear approach in French language classrooms. However, the Iranian system of French language class remains a closed and predictable system that has a negative impact on class performance. Additionally, to properly apply this theory to the language classroom, measures should be taken to raise awareness of education systems and educators of dynamics, flexibility, and sensitivity of the language classroom.


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