Document Type : Research Article


Department of English Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran


The concept of literacy is inherently debatable and the definition of literacy has changed in the course of history with the concomitant change of philosophical orientations. The content and the method used by educational programs are dependent on the various definitions of literacy and the different viewpoints on literacy determine the chances of learning. English as a foreign language enjoys a significant status in our curriculum. It seems that an understanding of the multiple meanings of literacy could enhance the language learning of our language learners greatly. Owing to the fact that we strive for a more effective learning in our educational system, it seems necessary to look into the conceptualization of literacy on the part of the language learners. The present study intends to look into the conceptualization of literacy by language learners using a grounded theory approach. This could help us explain and enhance the language behavior of our learners. Taking into account saturation, 24 English language learners were interviewed. The collected data were analyzed using axial and selective coding and finally a theory emerged. The emerging theory illustrated that literacy is a scientific and original issue which is transferred through discourse and the expression of agency.


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