Document Type : Research Article


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Shirvan Branch, Shirvan, Iran


The story “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach and the story “the Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry which have been written in the form of two pilots, and are reports of allegorical journeys for self-knowledge and perfection. Campbell believes that on a journey to the unconscious the heroes must first leave their land for an unknown land, and face with unknown forces and passes experiences and then return to their homeland with the help of this journey to make a transformation. Pearson, who is a contributor to Joseph Campbell's single-mythological theory, believes that during three stages of the journey, the hero must develop twelve Jungian archetype: innocent, orphan, warrior, patron, cursor, destroyer, creator, old man, ruler, farce, lover and the witch in his own psyche to reach the stage of self-knowledge and rebirth. A review of two stories from this perspective, suggests that both stories have raised these twelve patterns in their deepest structure in the form of symbols that lead the hero toward individuality. However, the sequence of the emergence of some Jungian archetypes in two stories is not observed by Pearson’s theory.


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