Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of French, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of French, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


In 1944, Henry Corbin presented an article, The Zoroastrians motives in Sheikh al-Ishraq, Sohrawardi’s philosophy, in the Institute of Philosophy of Iran. Through this speech, he develops a sort of hermeneutics-phenomenological methodology to study Sohrawardi and his philosophy, Ishraq. This research, being done in the domain of translation studies, is looking for the ways through which this methodology was transmitted in the translation of the first two chapters of written form of this speech, done by Ahmad Fardid, known as the oral philosophe of Iran. In this contrastive analyze, we define, first the basic concepts such as hermeneutics and phenomenology, as the main constituents of Corbin’s methodology, and their relationships with translation studies. In the second phase, we analyze the French translations of Persian and Arabic direct and indirect quotations from Sohrawardi to investigate the reflection of Corbin’s phenomenological approach in his translations, and then Fardid’s translations from French to Persian to see the way he has transmitted this approach.
