Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of English, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Effective communication can be considered as a social process reflected in lexical chains. In fact, speaking can be considered as a communicative mediator which hinges on the speaker’s linguistic competence, but if the aim of a given dialogue is to have a more effective communication, one should move beyond the speaker’s subliminal intentions. The present study, therefore, tries to examine the influence of “postlocution” as a level beyond communicative competence, and attempts to introduce “brainling” based on brain structures. This model considers language as a tool for behavioral changes and developments, and offers the four concepts of cogling (cognition in language), emoling (emotions in language), cultuling (culture in language), and sensoling (senses in language). The proposed model can be used to portray a different and more comprehensive picture of brain’s macro functions, which is useful for a better and more effective communication. From this perspective, in addition to paying attention to self-oriented language, a dialogue should take other-oriented language into consideration, and individuals should attend to both communicative competence and linguo-therapeutic competence (language for a better life).


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