Document Type : Research Article


Department of French, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Translation is an active process in which a meaning is transferred from a source to a target language. During this process, meaning must have accordance with two main semantic sub-systems: signification and evaluation. Signification is related to a signified unit of a linguistic sign and its encompassing properties known as seme. However, evaluation includes a range of different actualizations from more tangible referential properties to the most abstract ones. In this research, which is specially marked for its concentration on semantic features and their relationship with evaluation attributes (or values), we will have a look on afferent and inherent semantic features, notions first used by Rastier, and considering the inborn interculturality of translation, we will establish an explanation, in a semantic framework, about meaning-making process and its variations in practice. In this regard, we assume that inherent features satisfy initial needs of translation while afferent properties are for answering its essential needs. Yet evaluation systems and semantic values can always interfere with the discourse meaning-making process during translation and break the boundaries of semantics.  The purpose of the present article is to provide an analysis of the semantic features and their status in translation studies based on textual values and evaluation systems of the target language and its culture.


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