Document Type : Research Article


Department of French, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Folk literature is an important and considerable part of folklore which is transmitted orally from generation to generation, and their careful collection and analysis can shed some light on life in tribes and nations around the world. In fact, these images are national treasures that build the social imagination of people. Hence, European travel memoirs are a representative of Iranian folk literature and they have been an important topic of research in comparative literature. This is because travel memoirs reflect the culture and society of “the other” wherein one we can find manifestations of folk literature in the form of frozen images such as national and intercultural stereotypes and clichés. To this end, we examined Henry Rene D'Allemagne’s travel memoirs. His works include numerus elements of folk literature, compared to his French contemporaries. This paper follows a descriptive-analytic method and tries to figure out how folk literature represents itself Henry Rene D'Allemagne’s travel memoir and how the traveler’s ideology plays a pivotal role in this representation. To analyze images of Iranian folk literature in Henry Rene D'Allemagne’s travel memoir From Khorasan to Bakhtiari in light of imagology. The results of this study showed that the images in the travel memoir reflect Persian folk literature, folk poetry, discourses, titles, and anecdotes. This suggests the importance of Persian language and literature among Iranians and Europeans and indicates how Iranian culture has traveled through folktales.


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