Document Type : Research Article


Department of English, ّFerdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


The present study sought to implement the idea of ELT for life among language education practitioners by challenging and materializing the notion of Applied ELT. In so doing, constructing some novel scales seemed inevitable. Highlighting the premises of Life Syllabus, this study devised and validated a TPCS-ELLTs (Teachers’ Perceptions of Creativity Scale for English Language Learning Textbooks) with 45 items to evaluate the current English language textbooks regarding the level they increase the creativity of language learners. The TPCS-ELLTs was validated through statistical procedures like Rasch rating model and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) which at last provided a model with a 6-point Likert scale. This scale was administered to a group of 164 EFL teachers at private language institutes. After more investigation, it was clear through Rasch model that, those items having infit MNSQ greater than 1.4 deviate from the expected model and degrade the analysis. Therefore, after changing some items, it was concluded that this scale as a unidimensional model, contains a high reliability and also a correct 6-point Likert. In other words, this scale is a precise measurement of the construct and therefore well-targeted for the sample. Furthermore, some recommendations regarding the implication and conclusions of this study in other fields of language teaching have been pointed out.


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