Document Type : Research Article


Department of English, Farhangian University, Mashhad, Iran


Trying to investigate the reasons for demotivation among some Iranian ELT student teachers, the researchers used a mixed methods approach in this study. Initially, qualitative grounded theory approach was used and 17 male and female students were interviewed. The results indicated factors such as lack of initial interest, unfamiliarity with the ELT course prior to selecting the major, demotivating atmosphere, lack of job security, practicum and university characteristics such as lack of facilities and restricting regulations, and professors’ strictness were among the possible demotivating factors. Then, based on the findings of the qualitative phase, a questionnaire was developed and after being validated, the questionnaire was administered to all ELT student teachers at Farhangian University of Mashhad. Results of the quantitative phase also confirmed the qualitative findings and indicated that special attention needs to be given to creating motivational atmospheres for student teachers in Farhangian University.


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