Document Type : Research Article


Department of English, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran


Nathaniel Hawthorne as one of the most famous and effective Nineteenth century American writers has always been under consideration from different perspectives. This article tries to have a closer look at the relation between science and morality from the writer’s point of view. There have been many debates over the idea that whether Nathaniel Hawthorne focused on in individualistic matters such as , the relation between man and God, repentance, and return to spiritual self, or in a wider scale tried to seek the roots of human problems in the observance or non- observance of social matters. Investigation has shown that Hawthorne has tried to present social morality matters. This article tries to shed more light on the relation between science and morality as one of the social morality matters. Considering improper use of science as a supplementary part of Hawthorne’s writing style in three short stories of “ Birthmark”, Rapaccini’s daughter”, and “ Ethan Brand” is what this article tries to achieve and present the writer’s point of view in this regard.
