Document Type : Research Article


Department of French Language and Literature, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


1. Introduction
The twentieth century has witnessed a very close relationship between philosophy and literary creations and scope of human imagination and writing. The search for the truth is the search for the reasons of the events and identification of the tangible and intangible world. This kind of search refers to the asking questions about the life and awareness and these factors related the philosophy to the literature, imaginary and artistic achievements. The human describes its situation with its particular field of creation and every human being has its own interpretations and inferential concerning with various life status. This study investigates the philosophical elements of existentialistic constructs of Le Clézio, the contemporary French writer and it justifies the reactions and behaviors of his fictional and real characteristic. This study also seeks to find out the answer to the biological and social crises in mid of twentieth century and in the field of realistic writing.
2. Methodology
The method of this study is qualitative and the design of the study is historical research and content analysis. Historical research analyzes the documents and artifacts to gain insight into the past events and the content analysis focuses on the analyzing and interpreting the recorded material to learn about human behavior.
3. Discussion
Sartre’ existentialism attempted to define the human behavior and its reactions by resorting to the awareness of subject and the discovery of human nature. Sartre have transformed the language into the sign in his philosophy and he explicated the events about the human. As the Husserl’s orientation in the phenomenology is ideal, Le Clézio’s approach also shaped its phenomenology by showing the intentional subjects and the subjects interrupted their association with the past due to the understanding of their world. The characters such as Ethel, Mondo, Alexi engendered their own situation. The nature of existence in the world stems from the quality of his specialized life or from his existence. The” other” is an original design in Le Clézio’s approach. The “other” is an entity which reveals itself. Having shown the writer and work commitment, Le Clézio could base his philosophy on the social notion of autobiographic and imaginary characteristic. The attitude towards the existence, in Le Clézio’s perspective, refers to the return to oneself or self- scrutiny in the words of Socrates
4. Conclusion
Le Clézio’s stories primarily focused on the objectives of phenomenology and existentialism and these stories try to associate the objective and tangible reality with the imaginations and they try to fertilize and make sense their actions with their freedom. In other words, the existentialism of Le Clézio is the humanism of Sartre and it has been in the filed biological philosophy .The selection and the design of characters have enriched the per-se and they define the surrounding world with the changing of themselves.


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