Document Type : Research Article


Department of French Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


It is through language and translation as the important elements which animate the lives of different human societies that we come to know our culture and know the world. We can never neglect the exchange and cultural development as the result of the translation. We try to do a search about the translation in the field of the interjections. An interjection is a word category invariable, allowing the speaking subject, express spontaneous emotion (joy, anger, surprise, sadness, admiration, pain, etc.) . If the interjection does not deserve a specific treatment of grammar, it plays a very clear role in the transmission of meaning. That is why translation is difficult and important. As corpus, we chose The Little Prince and the translations made by Shamlou and Nadjafi Ghazi. We also try to analyze the examples to compare and find the qualities of each translation.


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