Document Type : Research Article


Department of English, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Negligent of the recent findings of translation studies in the past decades, the undergraduate curriculum of English translation in Iranian universities has not been updated since over two decades ago. The comparison of this curriculum with its international rival curricula indicates to a substantial discrepancy which cannot be solely due to contextual or cultural reasons. It is also suspected that this lack of renewal is one of the several factors which have resulted in the failure of this program in educating world-level qualified translators. Because of the significance of benefiting the views and criticism of the translation educators on the current curriculum for a revised and updated version, the present study investigated the evaluation and criticism of the nationally recognized translation teachers on the academic board of major universities of Iran regarding the current and necessary components of translation competence in the undergraduate curriculum for English translation. Data collected through open-ended, semi-structured, in-depth interview technique was analyzed using Grounded Theory procedures. The findings indicate to the necessity of a major revision by incorporating more modules on CAT tools, improving the quality and quantity of translation workshops, reducing foreign language emphasis among others.
